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Hospitality | Solutions by Industry

 The hospitality industry thrives on delivering exceptional guest experiences while ensuring the highest standards of data security and operational efficiency. Our suite of hospitality solutions empowers hotels, restaurants, and leisure providers with the technology to secure sensitive customer information, streamline operations, and create memorable experiences that foster loyalty and repeat business.

Secure Transactions and Data Protection

Symantec Endpoint Protection

Safeguard point-of-sale (POS) systems and hospitality endpoints from malware and cyber threats.

Encrypt Your Data wi​​​​​​th D​​igicert

Comodo SSL Certificates

Ensure secure online booking and payment transactions with robust encryption for your hospitality platforms.

Encrypt Guest Trans​​​​actions

Guest Experience and Engagement

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Utilize CRM tools to personalize guest interactions, streamline services, and enhance the overall guest experience.

Personalize Guest Exp​​​​eriences

Adobe Experience Cloud

Create targeted marketing campaigns and manage guest experiences across all touchpoints, from initial booking to post-stay follow-up.

Elevate Your Guest Mark​​​​eting

Operational Efficiency and Analytics

Veeam Backup & Replication

Ensure the availability and integrity of hospitality data with reliable backup and disaster recovery solutions.

Protect Hosp​​​​itality Data

Quest Software

Monitor and manage hospitality IT infrastructure to optimize performance, reduce downtime, and maintain guest satisfaction.

Optimize Hospitalit​​​​y IT

Network Security and Access Management

Kaspersky Endpoint Security

Protect your hospitality network against emerging threats and maintain a secure environment for guests and staff.

Defend Your Hospitality Net​​​​work

Barracuda Email Security

Protect against phishing and email-borne threats that can compromise hospitality operations and guest privacy.

Secure Hospitality Com​​​​munications

Wi-Fi and Connectivity Solutions

nComputing Solutions

Provide guests with secure and reliable Wi-Fi access using nComputing's virtual desktop infrastructure.

Enhance Guest Wi-F​​​​i Access

Microsoft Azure

Leverage cloud computing services to enhance guest services, manage data securely, and scale operations as needed.

Transform Hospitality with A​​​​zure

Our hospitality solutions are tailored to meet the industry's unique needs, enabling businesses to deliver secure, efficient, and personalized services that exceed guest expectations. Partner with us to drive innovation and success in your hospitality business.

Cloudtastic - Part of TAJMAC Network

Enhance Your Hospitality Services

Connect with our experts to learn how our technology solutions can revolutionize your hospitality services.


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